Clinical & counselling psychology
These individual or couple sessions are designed for the assessment, diagnosis and treatment of people with mental health issues (e.g., depression, anxiety, excessive stress or worry) as a result of a mental illness or due to life events (e.g., bereavement, relationship breakdown, job loss, injury, trauma, relocation or retirement).
Format: Face-to-face or via telehealth (confirm at booking)
Cost: $225 to $260 per 50-minute session (confirm at booking)
Referral: You do not need a referral to book in. Medicare rebates only apply if your doctor refers you on a mental health care plan. Private health rebates may apply – check with your health care fund.
Wellbeing psychology
These individual sessions are designed for people wanting to enhance their wellbeing. The focus is usually on various life domains (e.g., parenting, relationships, leisure activities, health, and finances). Issues covered may include identifying your values, strengths, meaning in life, motivation, confidence, goal setting and self-management.
Format: Face-to-face or via telehealth (confirm at booking).
Cost: $225 to $260 per 50-minute session (confirm at booking).
Referral: Self referral. Medicare rebates do not apply. Private health rebates may apply – check with your health care fund.
Can’t make it to an appointment in person? No problem. We offer online video consultations via a secure health-specific platform called Coviu. Ask us if you think this format would suit your needs for all or some of your psychology sessions.
Student clinic
The Mind Room Student Clinic offers low-cost clinical and coaching service to people who are dealing with mental health issues and/or wanting to improve their wellbeing. We have a small team of provisional psychology students (in their 6th or 7th year of training) on a 6 or 12 month University placement under the supervision of our Senior Psychologists.
Format: Face-to-face or via telehealth (confirm at booking).
Cost: $55 to $110 per 50-minute session (confirm at booking).
Referral: Self referral. Medicare rebates do not apply.