Talking To Ducks: Why Explaining Your Problems Out Loud Works

If you’ve ever seen someone talking earnestly to a rubber duck, don’t worry—they haven’t lost it. They’re debugging. Specifically, they’re practising Rubber Duck Debugging, a beloved (and brilliantly odd) technique used by software engineers. And as quirky as it sounds, this method holds some profound psychological truths. In fact, it might just be the secret to solving your life’s trickiest problems—whether it’s figuring out why your code is broken or trying to decide if you should quit your job and move to Bali.
But why a duck, you ask?
The origin of Rubber Duck Debugging can be traced back to The Pragmatic Programmer, a 1999 book by Andrew Hunt and David Thomas. The authors tell the story of a programmer who carries around a rubber duck and explains their code to it, line by line, whenever they run into a snag. The idea was that by forcing themselves to explain the problem out loud—regardless of who (or what) was listening—the solution would often reveal itself. No need for a fellow human to weigh in. Enter: the humble rubber duck.
And it works. Programmers swear by this method. But before you chalk it up to tech-world eccentricity, let’s talk psychology.
The Science of Talking It Out
Rubber Duck Debugging taps into a powerful cognitive mechanism called the self-explanation effect. Psychologist Michelene Chi first identified this phenomenon in the 1980s while studying how students learned complex topics. Those who explained things to themselves (or anyone willing to listen) had a much better grasp of the material than those who just tried to memorise facts.
Here’s the magic: when you verbalise a problem, you engage a different part of your brain than when you’re simply thinking it through. Your brain is a fantastic multitasker, but when you get stuck in your own head, you can often miss obvious details. By speaking out loud, you’re forced to slow down and explain every step clearly, making it easier to spot the error.
Scientists have also pointed to cognitive load theory to explain why this works. Our brains can only hold so much information at once. By externalising the information—speaking it, writing it, or explaining it—you ease the mental strain and free up working memory to focus on the actual problem.
This isn’t just for programmers, either. Whether you’re troubleshooting why your sourdough starter is a dud or trying to resolve an awkward misunderstanding at work, talking it out can make all the difference.
The Power of Psychological Distance
There’s also something else at play: psychological distance. When you’re neck-deep in a problem, it’s hard to see it clearly. Everything is personal, intense, and frustrating. But when you explain the problem as though you’re teaching it to someone else (even a plastic duck), you step outside of it. Suddenly, the problem becomes more objective and less emotionally charged.
This psychological distance allows you to think more clearly, as if you’re observing the issue from the outside. It’s a bit like looking at a painting from a few feet back rather than standing with your nose pressed against the canvas. The big picture becomes clearer. Researchers have noted that people often find better solutions when they take this step back, and Rubber Duck Debugging encourages exactly that.
Metacognition in Action
Rubber Duck Debugging is also a perfect example of metacognition—thinking about thinking. It forces you to break down the problem, reflect on your approach, and examine the assumptions you’ve made along the way. In the process, you often realise what’s wrong with your thinking or spot gaps in your logic.
Psychologist John Flavell, one of the pioneers of metacognitive theory, showed how this process of self-reflection improves problem-solving and learning. It’s not just about fixing what’s broken but understanding ‘how’ you’re thinking about the problem in the first place. By doing this, you can shift from being reactive to proactive, from overwhelmed to in control.
From Code to Life
The beauty of Rubber Duck Debugging is that it works for problems far beyond computer code. Let’s say you’re facing a complex issue at work. Maybe a project isn’t going as planned, and you’re struggling to figure out why. Before you escalate things, grab your “duck”—a nearby object or, hey, even your cat or dog.
Explain the situation out loud as if you’re teaching someone with no background on the issue. Be thorough. By the time you’re done, you might have untangled the mess and seen the solution staring back at you. If not, at least you’ll have a clearer understanding of where the issue lies.
Step-by-Step Guide to Rubber Duck Debugging Your Life
Here’s how to apply this method to your everyday dilemmas:
- Find Your Duck: It doesn’t have to be a literal rubber duck (though bonus points if it is). Pick an object, ask Siri, or even an actual human who will simply listen without interrupting.
- Say it Out loud: Start from the beginning and tell your story. Explain what the issue is, what led to it, and what steps you’ve taken so far. Be thorough. Pretend you’re explaining it to someone with no context or prior knowledge. You’ll start to notice details you might have glossed over before.
- Key Elements: As you talk, break the problem down into its core components. What’s essential here? What’s not working? What assumptions are you making that might need rethinking?
- Sticking Points: By now, you’ve probably noticed where you’re getting stuck. Articulate why it’s not working. Be specific. What part of your thinking may be faulty?
- Summarise: Once you’ve laid it all out, summarise it back to your “duck.” Often, by this point, the solution will have already started forming in your mind.
- Beyond The Duck: If this approach doesn’t resolve the issue for you, think about consulting a non-duck expert such as your mum, a mentor or a psychologist, who may be able to listen and guide you to a resolution.
Duck Magic
Explaining things out loud—whether to a rubber duck, a friend, or just yourself—might sound strange or too simple to work, but it’s grounded in solid psychological research. By speaking your thoughts, you gain distance, clarity, and insight. Rubber Duck Debugging reminds us that the act of explanation isn’t just about teaching others—it’s about illuminating the path for ourselves.
So the next time you’re stuck, whether it’s on a tricky coding problem or deciding whether to send that risky email, take a breath, grab your duck, and start talking. You’ll be amazed at what you figure out when you hear yourself explain it.
Let the duck show you the way.